
Nobel Posters 2023

Why have the Laureates in Medicine received the world's most prestigious prize? Poster explaining the prize contributions are produced annually.

You may order a maximum of 5 posters, free of charge.


2023 års affischer - Nobelpriset i fysiologi och medicin 

För vad har pristagarna i medicin fått världens mest prestigefyllda pris? Vår populärvetenskapliga affisch förklarar vad priset handlar om.

Affischerna för 2023 kan beställas kostnadsfritt via formuläret nedan (längst ner på sidan). Maxorder 5 ex.

Nobelpriset i fysiologi eller medicin 2023, A3-format

Officiella affischen som beskriver Nobelpriset i fysiologi eller medicin 2023. Katalin Karikó och Drew Weissman tilldelas priset för deras upptäckter rörande nukleosidbasmodifieringar som möjliggjorde utveckling av effektiva mRNA-vacciner mot covid-19.  De belönade upptäckterna blev avgörande för utvecklingen av effektiva mRNA-vacciner mot covid-19 under den pandemi som drabbade världen i början av 2020. Pristagarnas banbrytande forskning har på ett fundamentalt sätt ändrat vår förståelse för hur mRNA samspelar med immunsystemet. Detta bidrog till den enastående snabba utvecklingen av vaccin under ett av vår tids största hot mot människors hälsa.
Observera att du får beställa max 5 affischer per order.  

Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2023, ENGLISH A3

The official poster describing the Nobel prize in physiology or medicine 2023. Katalin Karikó and Drew Weissman are awarded for their discoveries concerning nucleoside base modifications that enabled the development of effective mRNA vaccines against COVID-19. The discoveries by the two Nobel Laureates were critical for developing effective mRNA vaccines against COVID-19 during the pandemic that began in early 2020. Through their groundbreaking findings, which have fundamentally changed our understanding of how mRNA interacts with our immune system, the laureates contributed to the unprecedented rate of vaccine development during one of the greatest threats to human health in modern times.
Note that you may order a maximum of 5 posters in total. Observera att du får beställa max 5 affischer per order.  

Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2023, ENGLISH 100x70cm

The official poster describing the Nobel prize in physiology or medicine 2023. Katalin Karikó and Drew Weissman are awarded for their discoveries concerning nucleoside base modifications that enabled the development of effective mRNA vaccines against COVID-19. The discoveries by the two Nobel Laureates were critical for developing effective mRNA vaccines against COVID-19 during the pandemic that began in early 2020. Through their groundbreaking findings, which have fundamentally changed our understanding of how mRNA interacts with our immune system, the laureates contributed to the unprecedented rate of vaccine development during one of the greatest threats to human health in modern times.
Note that you may order a maximum of 5 posters in total. Observera att du får beställa max 5 affischer per order.  

Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2022, ENGLISH 100x70cm

The official poster describing the 2022 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine. Svante Pääbo is awarded for his discoveries concerning the genomes of extinct hominins and human evolution. Where do we come from and how are we related to those who came before us? Neanderthals populated Europe and western Asia for hundreds of thousands of years and coexisted with Homo sapiens during 30,000 years before they went extinct. But what do we know about our relationship with the Neanderthals? By analyzing the genomes of extinct hominins, Svante Pääbo answered fundamental questions about human evolution.


Note that you may order a maximum of 5 posters in total. Observera att du får beställa max 5 affischer per order.  

Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2022, ENGLISH A3

The official poster describing the 2022 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine. Svante Pääbo is awarded for his discoveries concerning the genomes of extinct hominins and human evolution.Where do we come from and how are we related to those who came before us? Neanderthals populated Europe and western Asia for hundreds of thousands of years and coexisted with Homo sapiens during 30,000 years before they went extinct. But what do we know about our relationship with the Neanderthals? By analyzing the genomes of extinct hominins, Svante Pääbo answered fundamental questions about human evolution.


Note that you may order a maximum of 5 posters in total. Observera att du får beställa max 5 affischer per order.  

Nobelpriset i fysiologi eller medicin 2022, A3-format

Officiella affischen som beskriver Nobelpriset i fysiologi eller medicin 2022. Svante Pääbo tilldelas priset för hans upptäckter rörande utdöda homininers arvsmassa och människans evolution.Var kommer vi ifrån och hur ser vårt släktskap ut med människoformer som kom före oss? Neandertalarna befolkade Europa och västra Asien under hundratusentals år och levde samtidigt med Homo sapiens under 30 000 år innan de försvann. Men vad känner vi till om vårt släktskap med de utdöda neandertalarna? Genom att analysera arvsmassan från utdöda homininer besvarade Svante Pääbo grundläggande frågor om människans evolution.


Observera att du får beställa max 5 affischer per order.

Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2021, ENGLISH 100x70cm

The official poster describing the 2021 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine.





Note that you may order a maximum of 5 posters in total. 
Observera att du får beställa max 5 affischer per order.

Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2021, ENGLISH A3

The official poster describing the 2021 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine.




Note that you may order a maximum of 5 posters in total. 
Observera att du får beställa max 5 affischer per order.


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